2309 B Encinal Ave. Alameda CA 94501 See Google Maps for directions.
This map is for the workshop only. (The entire lot will be closed during the Gallery Exhibit.)
If you are staying in your vehicle during drop-off please enter the lot from Oak Street and exit through the alley on to Encinal Ave.
Drop-off time for children is between 10am & 10:15. Please help things go smoothly by not parking anywhere in the drive-thru or parking lot. There will be signs and Hashima from Girls Inc. will be at the drop-off area to help guide you. Alternatively you can also park nearby and walk up. See the map for parking and for traffic flow during drop-off.
Parking and Drop off Map. Click to Print or Enlarge.

Location: Located on the corner of Oak Street and Encinal Ave. Across from the high school tennis courts, in the parking lot behind Revelation Cleaners and the old Lock and Glass building. One block from Lucky 13. 1.5 Miles from downtown Oakland and Fruitvale station.
Parking: No lot parking. Street Parking only, street parking is free all day Sunday. There is a parking garage 2 blocks away on Oak St. between Central and Santa Clara (free after 5PM and all day Sunday)